Preheat oven to 375 F .
Remove pits from 2# peaches and dice.
Place the following in a food processor or blender: - 1/2 cup butter OR 1/2 cup coconut oil (if using a blender for butter, cut stick into quarters before pulsing)- 1 cup dates (~8) with pits removed- 1 cup pecans- 1 cup almond flour- 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut flakes- 1 Tbsp cinnamon- 1 tsp ground ginger- 1/2 tsp salt Pulse until combined and mixture begins to form a ball.
Place diced peaches in a small baking dish (~9x9” pan) and cover w/ cobbler (does not need to cover completely).
Bake for ~30 minutes or until filling is warmed & bubbly and topping is beginning to brown.