"It was so easy to get everything ready. Prep Dish made me feel less stressed knowing that everything was all set to go for the week."

~ Katie P.

Classic Chicken Vegetable Soup Recipe

My version of Classic Chicken Vegetable Soup is just that…a classic! No fancy ingredients or cooking techniques. It's perfectly kid-friendly and has all of the flavors that you have known and loved since childhood. Can't you just taste it now?! Read more….

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Washing Vegetables with Vinegar (Works for Fruit too!)

Fresh fruits and vegetables are simple and delicious options for healthy, gluten-free snacking. However, the journey from seed to plate can turn nutrition packed produce into germ havens. That's why the first step of any prep day in a PrepDish meal plan is to wash all of the fresh produce. Read on to learn about our favorite easy, cost-effective, and green method for cleaning produce.

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