Freezer & Pantry Friendly Meal Plan Free
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Meal prep for families is what we do.
In light of the current events of COVID-19, I wanted to make a free meal plan (Prep Dish style) using foods you have on hand in your pantry and freezer. It seems like this is the best way for us to help our communities.
My goal is to help make life a little easier and calmer while you navigate cooking more meals at home, especially since resources are tight in certain communities and things are changing daily.
For those who have never used Prep Dish before, we hope you this free meal plan helps you get started!
Allison Schaaf
Prep Dish Founder & CEO
Meet Allison Schaaf
Chef | Nutritionist | Registered Dietitian | Founder & CEO | Mom

For seven years and counting, Allison has made her way into the hearts and kitchens of home cooks all over the globe. Prep Dish was created after a decade as a personal chef and gourmet chef at high-end spas because she knew there was a more efficient, cost-effective, and sanity-saving way to put healthy, crowd-pleasing meals on the table.
Allison's goal is to help make meal time-efficient, healthy and of course, tasty!