How to Hire an Au Pair l EP# 89

Aug 2, 2021 | 0 comments

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Hiring an au pair is a big decision. Prep Dish founder Allison Schaaf shares her experience hiring an au pair and what to look for.

Hiring an au pair is a big decision. You have to find someone who you trust and who you’re comfortable living with.

Prep Dish founder and mom of two Allison Schaaf shares her insider tips into what to look for when hiring an au pair.

Factors to Consider:

1. Location: Some au pairs want to live in the country and others wish to be in a big city. The location has to be a fit.

2. Age Preference: Does the potential au pair prefer to work with babies, toddlers or big kids? You need to find a fit with age.

3. Personality Fit: Does their personality fit with you? Does it fit with the kids and other family members? Consider using something like the Culture Index, which delves into work style and communication style, to help determine if you’ll work well together.

4. Look for Second-Year Au Pairs: The au pair program is two years and sometimes you can find an au pair in their second year looking to work with a new family. These au pairs have already been in the country for a year and have adjusted to life as an au pair and want to keep doing it.

5. Language: The au pair’s home language might be important for your family, but we determined it wasn’t the biggest priority for us. 

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