"It was so easy to get everything ready. Prep Dish made me feel less stressed knowing that everything was all set to go for the week."
~ Katie P.
Meal Planning
The Paleo Diet Explained & An Easy Paleo Meal Plan
The Paleo diet has been growing in popularity lately, though it has roots all the way back in prehistoric times. Check out our summary of everything you need to know about the Paleo diet!
Top 5 Go-To Gluten-Free Flours
The endless selection of gluten-free flours at the supermarket doesn't have to be as overwhelming as it seems. Check out our guide to gluten-free flours to discover the nutritional benefits and uses for a few of our favorite types of flours!
Have a Heart-Healthy Valentine's Day!
With Valentine's Day fast approaching and February being American Heart Month, it's the perfect time to add heart-healthy foods into your diet! Here are 4 delicious foods that benefit your heart.
Ease Chronic Pain with Food
Believe it or not, treatments for chronic pain aren't just limited to low-impact workouts, doctor visits, and medications anymore. Utilize the power of proper nutrition to help alleviate the symptoms of chronic pain!
How to Cook with Turmeric & Beef Kebab Recipe
Looking for the perfect grilling recipe this holiday weekend? Check out our recipe for gluten-free grass fed beef kebobs. This is a quick & easy, prep ahead recipe. Plus, these skewers utilize a potent spice rub including turmeric. Read on to find out more!
Family Meals on a School Night – Tips for Weeknight Family Dinner
Sometimes the meal-on-the-road is unavoidable. After all, a ten-minute stop to change into a soccer uniform isn't really enough time to sit down to a family meal. However, what about those nights where there's 45 minutes to spare? It may not be enough time to make and serve a meal from start to finish, but it is enough time to sit down to a meal. By prepping ahead you can take advantage of those nights and the family can spend 30 of those minutes sitting together and eating a homemade, healthy, and satisfying gluten-free meal.
Lurking and Lingering Gluten – Hidden Sources
Learning to follow a gluten-free diet can be an overwhelming mission. Strange labeling, hidden sources, and cross-contamination make deciphering labels and navigating gluten-free grocery shopping more difficult than it should be. However, by following a handful of tips, gluten-free eating can be relaxing and delicious!
Armed with a List
Whatever your grocery shopping style, the fact remains that there are certain items you have to have before leaving. Heading into the grocery store armed with an organized list can be the difference between a relaxing experience, and a harried zig-zag back and forth between different parts of the store. Read on for grocery list organizing tips.
Conquer the Gluten-Free Road Trip + Popcorn Baggy Recipe
Family trips are a staple of the summer. The car is the perfect place for playing games, singing songs, lots of bonding, and…eating. Spending hours on the road provides endless temptation for classic car trip favorites ranging from fast food, to candy, to soda. So how do you conquer the car trip without overeating and while staying gluten-free? The secret lies in the prep ahead.
1,2,3 of Infused Iced Tea
Something about the summertime makes glasses of fruity beverages enticing. On a hot summer day, water just isn’t refreshing enough. Unfortunately, many of the options are either lacking in nutrients or pumped with sugar – neither option is ideal for summer re-hydration. So where to turn? Learn how to make easy iced tea infused with fruit to quench that summer thirst!
A Sprinkle of Cinnamon
Nutrition facts may not instantly come to mind when thinking of cinnamon, but this delicious spice contains vitamin, minerals, and phytochemicals. A generous sprinkle adds a punch of flavor and health benefits!
The Easiest Way to Cut Pineapple
Summertime brings weekends by the pool and trips to beach. The sweltering heat makes it tempting to load up the cooler with sugar-sweetened drinks and chase after the ice cream truck at the sound of the classic jingle. However, with an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables in season, summertime is the perfect opportunity to skip the junk and reach for a bowl of fruit instead. Read on to learn a simple method for slicing pineapple for a refreshing, gluten-free snack.