Meal Prep Monday Podcast™
Meal Prep Monday Podcast™ brings you 10 minutes of actionable meal prep advice, helping you answer the dreaded “What's for Dinner?” question with ease. Host Allison Schaaf is a personal chef, dietitian, mom and founder of meal planning website Listen along as she teaches you how to save time, money & energy through meal prep. Her healthy gluten free, paleo & keto meal plans have helped thousands! And in this podcast, she's sharing all of her time saving tips and tricks with you! Tune in every Monday to up your mealplan and mealprep game!
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Episodes & Show Notes
Kitchen Gadgets that Are Worth it (and Those that Aren't) l EP#181
Which kitchen gadgets do you love?
The Importance of Lab Work – PSA l EP#180
How could lab work help you optimize your health?
5 Tips on How to Simplify Life and Actively Fight Complexity l EP#179
Where could you simplify your life?
3 Tips for How to Eat Seasonally l EP#178
Make seasonal eating easy.
Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way – Giving Up TV for 1 Week l EP#177
Have you ever tried giving up tv for a week?
Daily Journaling l EP#176
Do you journal?
8 Ways to Avoid Toxins in Your Home and Create a Safer Home Environment l EP#175
Want easy ways for a cleaner home?
Our New Family Habit – Teaching Kids Spanish l EP#174
Do you use habit stacking?
Road Trip Snacks for Kids l Ep#173
What are your favorite road trip snacks?
Road Trip Meals with Kids l Ep#172
How to eat well with kids on a road trip
Road Tripping with Kids l Ep#171
Tips on road tripping with kids from my recent experience!
Save Money at the Grocery Store – 11 Grocery Swaps l EP#170
Want to shrink your grocery spending?